Your Action Impacts Future Generations

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Your Prayer and Financial Support Save and Transform Lives
- Imagine how seeing their unborn child changes a mother and father's decision. That is why we provide free Ultrasounds up to 14 weeks.
- Imagine being a single parent without a family or community network for support and guidance. That is why we provide educational programs for moms pre- and post-birth. The programs not only provide parenting education but create a new community that individuals can rely on.
- Did you know Reardon research found "83% of women indicated they would have carry their baby to term if significant others in their lives had encouraged delivery"? That is why we have the Good Father Program, led by male life coaches. Men often want to be part of the decision and also need resources and community to support them pre- and post-birth.
- Imagine how difficult it would be to parent if you were homeless or if you lost your job because of a gap in transportation. We have aligned with Community partners, such as Bridging, Heart and free/low cost auto repair, to ensure moms and dads have the opportunity to be the parents and family they dream to be.
Want to meet with a Pregnancy Choices staff member to learn more? Call us at 952-997-2229 or email